Mirro is offering you multiple options to extract different information from the application according to your needs. As an admin user you would like to have an overview of the salaries trends of your people.
To do so, you will need to access the Dashboard module where you will have access to the Salaries Insights section.
In this section Mirro presents the aggregated financial data based on the information stored in the active contracts of the current month. To have a clear picture of the financial data you will need to define the contracts for each user in part. You have the possibility to define the contracts manually in Mirro or using the import option. To see how you can import these details, you can always check the article How to import contract details.
Once the contracts were defined please make sure that you are granting to the users the proper access rights using one of the options below:
- Employee contracts management - with this right the user will be able to define and manage employee contracts and see all the information stored in the salaries insights dashboard.
- Salaries insights access - with this right the user will have the possibility to visualize all information stored in the dashboard for each person of the company.
- Salaries insights departments access - an access right offering you the possibility to specify which head of department should have access to the financial data. If you offer this right to an user which is head of a specific department, the user will be able to access the information of that specific department and the sub departments.
By accessing the Salaries Insights Dashboard you will be able to visualize the following sections:
- Time since last raise helping you be fair to all people and provides immediate awareness of raise history and amount.
- Positions summary helping you understand salaries breakdown per each job role and you can align your company as you see fit.
- Contracts export offering you an overview of all contracts available, you can use a similar template to import contracts for all people.
Each section in part will offer you the possibility to export all the information, while the sections time since last raise and positions summary will also give you the possibility to check all details visually using the existing graphic.
- Time since last raise
When accessing the time since last raise section you will be redirected in a new page where you will be able to visualize graphically the evolution of the salaries increases within your company. For more details, you can consult the table below the graph which can be exported as a report.
To understand better the data presented, a scatter graph will be available to consult where:
- The X axis will represent the period measured in months. This is the period since the last salary raise took place.
- The Y axis represents the percentile where the raise is situated. The percentile indicates how many of the individuals in a specific range (e.g. job roles or departments) fall under a specific value.
All values are shown in the default currency of your company. If any contract has a different currency than the default one, a conversion will be made automatically to the default. An average exchange rate from the previous month will be used for the conversion.