People statistics overview within your company

People statistics overview within your company

Mirro is offering you multiple options to extract different information from the application according to your needs. As an admin user you would like to have an overview of the data processed on the platform about people diversity, tenure and many more details. 

To do so, you will need to access the Dashboard module where you will have access to multiple sections: 
- Culture Insights 
People Insights
- Time Insights
- Salaries Insights 

Accessing the People Insights section, you will be able to perform the following actions: 

1. Filter the details by the following criteria: 

2. Diversity metrics including age, gender, and generations distribution. 

3. Average monthly new hires and voluntary turn-over and average monthly number of colleagues (past 12 months).

4. Annual average number of colleagues and yearly turnover evolution.

5. Average length of service distribution for current colleagues and average length of service distribution for former colleagues. 

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