How to define specific tags in the user profile

How to define specific tags in the user profile

Keeping all user data in one place was never easier. Mirro offers you possibility to add custom fields for each user in part for details like skill level, certifications, projects, hobbies, interests and much more.

Fill-in all user related various information with profile tags. 

The profile tags can be managed by the users with the proper access right, the Organisational Specialist permission. To see how you can associate an user with a specific access right, please consult the article How to grant access rights to an user.

To add a new profile tag, you will need to access the user personal profile. The user personal profile can be accessed from various options, including the search option or the section Users Management from the Organisation module. Once the user profile has been accessed, you will be notice two types of tags: 
  1. Public tags: visible to all users from the organisation. 
  2. Private tags: visible to users with the proper access rights and permissions. 

Once the tags were added, you can easily manage them with in place edit, add and delete actions. Make sure you are clicking the desired field and you will be able to bring the changes needed.

For further uses, we added the profile tags in the following reports/pages from Mirro: 
  1. Payroll and Timekeeping exports available in the Preliminary Payroll module (see column Profile Tags).
  2. Users export available in the Users Management section from the Organisation module (see column Profile Tags).
  3. Public tags are also visible in the small business card available at hoover over the user profil.

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